
    Desired Topic

    Technology vs Humanity [Details]
    Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity [Details]
    Human-machine relationships - are you on team human? [Details]
    Man and machine - is it heaven or is it hell? [Details]
    The digital transformation of business and society [Details]
    The megashifts - the next 7 years in technology, business and society [Details]
    From disruption to construction: Futurizing your business [Details]
    Leading into the future [Details]
    Don't know yet / Not sure
    Other Topic

    Desired Format

    Keynote with slides (30-60 minutes)
    Keynote / talk without slides (no visuals)
    Shorter keynote plus interview or conversations (15-30 minutes each)
    A conversation with Gerd (no presentation, interview format only)
    Remote presentation via video or telepresence
    Seminar/Futurizing Workshop
    Don't know/Not sure yet

    Event Details

    Event Date (Please enter desired date)*

    Speaking Time

    Company Name or Event Organisation *

    Audience Size and Level *

    Event URL/Website

    Event Name *

    Event City/Location *

    Event Description *

    Optional: approximate Budget (include currency, please)

    Contact Details

    Name *

    Email *

    Phone Number

    Client Name *

    Are you an Agency?


    Have you booked Gerd before?
