April 24th, 2016 by
Category: Posthaven

Cyber-visionary Douglas Rushkoff warned: “We’re developing companies that are designed to do little more than take money out of the system.” Echoing this was Julia Hu, founder/CEO of Lark, who said we must instead philosophically place human service design above utility in order to enrich experience and extend future brand value.”

Man in the Marketing Machine: Learning ’Life in Flow’ – HeyHuman
via Instapaper

Author: Gerd Leonhard

In the words of American poet John Berryman, “the possibility that has been overlooked is the future”. Most of us are far too busy coping with present challenges to explore the future in any depth – and when we do our own cravings and fears often run away with us, resulting in utopias or dystopias that are not very helpful in terms of planning and decisions. Today’s professionals, leaders and their organisations need a dedicated, passionate long-term understanding of the future if they are to successfully navigate the exponential waves of change. For countless individuals and organizations that intelligence is called Gerd Leonhard.

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