Tinder and the Dawn of the Dating Apocalypse

“One dimension of this is the impact it has on men’s psychology. When there is a surplus of women, or a perceived surplus of women, the whole mating system tends to shift towards short-term dating. Marriages become unstable. Divorces increase. Men don’t have to commit, so they pursue a short-term mating strategy. Men are making that shift, and women are forced to go along with it in order to mate at all.””

Tinder and the Dawn of the Dating Apocalypse
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The World’s Smartest People Speak on Artificial Intelligence

“The famed 74-year-old theoretical physicist, author and pioneer of black hole physics believes AI could be both miraculous and catastrophic, calling it (along with several other noteworthy scientists) “the biggest event in human history,” helping wipe out war, disease and poverty. But with its potential to grow so explosively it could wind up “outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand,” Hawkings cautions that it could also potentially be “the last [event in our history], unless we learn how to avoid the risks.””

The World's Smartest People Speak on Artificial Intelligence
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Rich and powerful warn robots are coming for your jobs

“Technology has not only done away with low-wage, low-skill jobs, some of the more than 700 speakers said. They cited robots operating trucks in some Australian mines; corporate litigation software replacing employees with advanced degrees who used to sift through thousands of documents prior to trials; and on Wall Street, the automation of jobs previously done by bankers with MBAs or PhDs.”

Rich and powerful warn robots are coming for your jobs
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AI doctors will become ‘as ubiquitous as stethoscopes’ (Wired UK)

“The role of an AI doctor isn't intended to replace the human component, but rather complement it. "It's about augmenting or complementing; the role of the human doctor is in building the relationship. It's the skills that humans have – the compassion, the ability to abstract, to generalise, to have common sense, to have morals. These are all key aspects. Technology should be used to improve these relationships, not make them harder."”

AI doctors will become 'as ubiquitous as stethoscopes' (Wired UK)
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Reinvent Yourself: The Playboy Interview with Ray Kurzweil

“By the 2030s we will have nanobots that can go into a brain non-invasively through the capillaries, connect to our neocortex and basically connect it to a synthetic neocortex that works the same way in the cloud. So we’ll have an additional neocortex, just like we developed an additional neocortex 2 million years ago, and we’ll use it just as we used the frontal cortex: to add additional levels of abstraction. We’ll create more profound forms of communication than we’re familiar with today, more profound music and funnier jokes. We’ll be funnier.”

Reinvent Yourself: The Playboy Interview with Ray Kurzweil
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The Threats That Artificial Intelligence Researchers Actually Worry About

“It seems that for every mention of A.I. as humanity’s top existential risk, there is a mention of its power to solve humanity’s biggest challenges.”

The Threats That Artificial Intelligence Researchers Actually Worry About

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Is Going “Offline” Becoming The New Luxury?

“It’s no surprise that research indicates the way modern technology blurs the lines between entertainment/productivity in some ways works to undermine the productivity of the modern person. After all, one in ten young people take a selfie everyday.”

Is Going “Offline” Becoming The New Luxury?
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HeyHuman: Place human service above value extraction!

Cyber-visionary Douglas Rushkoff warned: “We’re developing companies that are designed to do little more than take money out of the system.” Echoing this was Julia Hu, founder/CEO of Lark, who said we must instead philosophically place human service design above utility in order to enrich experience and extend future brand value.”

Man in the Marketing Machine: Learning ’Life in Flow’ - HeyHuman
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Great Marshall McLuhan quote

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