Category: Singularity
10 dystopian scenarios for the future (via George Dvorsky)
We usually have a tendency to see the dangers far before they come and we are usually able to solve issues. However, we never seem to be able to get rid of utopian visions and dystopian warnings. George Dvorsky recently listed 10 Predictions About the Future That Should Scare the Hell Out of You on Gizmodo. Here are … Continue reading "10 dystopian scenarios for the future (via George Dvorsky)"
Read moreRay Kurzweil: The world isn’t getting worse — our information is getting better. I say: true. But are our genes really ‘outdated software’ ?
“It’s not just collecting what is basically the object code of life that is expanding exponentially. Our ability to understand it, to reverse-engineer it, to simulate it, and most importantly to reprogram this outdated software is also expanding exponentially. Genes are software programs. It’s not a metaphor. They are sequences of data. But they evolved many years ago, many tens of thousands of years ago, when conditions were different.”
Ray Kurzweil: The world isn’t getting worse — our information is getting better
via Instapaper
Ray Kurzweil: The world isn’t getting worse — our information is getting better
via Instapaper