My latest contribution to The Next Web: connecting your brain to the Internet sounds great – but is it a good idea?

  SOURCE “Brain implants or other types of neural links, such as Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) between the brain, the internet, and the cloud, are quickly entering the realm of science rather than science fiction. The Defense Advanced Research Agency is ready to run trials with closed-loop mood control chips linked to AI that can deliver … Continue reading "My latest contribution to The Next Web: connecting your brain to the Internet sounds great – but is it a good idea?"

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Farhad Manjoo: For Two Months, I Got My News From Print Newspapers: real life is slow, technology is fast :)

“Real life is slow; it takes professionals time to figure out what happened, and how it fits into context. Technology is fast. Smartphones and social networks are giving us facts about the news much faster than we can make sense of them, letting...

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Forget learning to code, bosses value collaboration and communication – EQ is the future !

“The report found that while automation is requiring workers to maintain technical fluency across roles, the rise of machine-led tasks makes it necessary for them to do what machines can’t, which is to be adaptable, critical thinkers who can lea...

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Must-read: “Purely intelligent creatures, whether people or machines, are bad for humanity” Sundar Sarukkai on AI

I just ran across this really powerful piece on AI, by Sundar Sarukkai, quoted below – really changed the way I think about AI. High-lights and images are mine. Here it is! The real worry about these technologies is the emphasis on intelligence rather than other characteristics of human beings. AI is an attempt to reproduce … Continue reading "Must-read: “Purely intelligent creatures, whether people or machines, are bad for humanity” Sundar Sarukkai on AI"

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My presentation at the Vodafone IoT Conference in Lisbon, today: the 9 IoT Future Principles

Here is the deck, below – event details are here “A nossa sociedade está a evoluir no sentido de um novo paradigma: Internet of Things (IoT). Considerando ser o melhor parceiro para implementar uma sociedade mais tecnológica e inteligente, a Vodafone desmistifica o tema com um debate qualificado com foco em dois eixos: Indústria e … Continue reading "My presentation at the Vodafone IoT Conference in Lisbon, today: the 9 IoT Future Principles"

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