Category: Augmented & Virtual Reality
New video: Exponential transformation? Why the future is better than we think – and why humans will still matter (Acquia Engage London 2018)
Brand-new talk from Acquia Engage London 2018! Thanks to Acquia for making this video available, and for inviting me to speak at their amazing event. Download the slides used in this talk: acquia London gerd leonhard futurist keynote the future is better than we think public deck low res Download the MP4 file for offline viewing … Continue reading "New video: Exponential transformation? Why the future is better than we think – and why humans will still matter (Acquia Engage London 2018)"
Read moreHyper Reality by Keiichi Matsuda
Feeling a bit disconnected from the latest Pokémon Go craze? Don’t worry, if you’re still mostly living in the real world, Pokémon Go players tend to look like lost zombies searching for the virtual Holy Grail. If you dig virtual worlds, it’ll probably get worse. To get a glimpse of how a not too distant future may look like for consumers through … Continue reading "Hyper Reality by Keiichi Matsuda"
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