Would a Work-Free World Be So Bad? (via The Atlantic)

Excellent article by Ilana E. Strauss in The Atlantic on the wrong assumptions we often have about people without work. Why should it be that way? It hasn’t always been like that… Work-free societies are more than just a thought experiment – they’ve existed throughout human history. Llana mentions a couple of examples in history where … Continue reading "Would a Work-Free World Be So Bad? (via The Atlantic)"

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All Can Be Lost: The Risk of Putting Our Knowledge in the Hands of Machines (5* read)

“Because automation alters how we act, how we learn, and what we know, it has an ethical dimension. The choices we make, or fail to make, about which tasks we hand off to machines shape our lives and the place we make for ourselves in the world.”

All Can Be Lost: The Risk of Putting Our Knowledge in the Hands of Machines
via Instapaper

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