Redefining the relationship of man and machine: narrated chapter from the ‘The Future of Business’ book (video, audio, pdf, German translation)
I am very fortunate to be part of a group of 62 leading futurists that compiled their ideas and visions in the amazing ‘The Future of Business’ book, edited by my good friend, colleague and publisher Rohit Talwar. The book is a fantastic read and the 500+ pages are worth every minute you spend on them.
Read moreThe Future of Business: towards a new relationship of technology and humanity (6 key findings by Futurist Gerd Leonhard)
We are at a pivot point: humanity will change more in the next 20 years than in the previous 300 years. These are the 6 key challenges and opportunities facing society, business and governments in the next 10 years as a result of the exponential speed of technological development.
Read moreIs Going “Offline” Becoming The New Luxury?
“It’s no surprise that research indicates the way modern technology blurs the lines between entertainment/productivity in some ways works to undermine the productivity of the modern person. After all, one in ten young people take a selfie everyday.”
Is Going “Offline” Becoming The New Luxury?
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Is Going “Offline” Becoming The New Luxury?
via Instapaper
HeyHuman: Place human service above value extraction!
Cyber-visionary Douglas Rushkoff warned: “We’re developing companies that are designed to do little more than take money out of the system.” Echoing this was Julia Hu, founder/CEO of Lark, who said we must instead philosophically place human service design above utility in order to enrich experience and extend future brand value.”
Man in the Marketing Machine: Learning ’Life in Flow’ - HeyHuman
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