The Future of Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence – via Joi Ito

“Those supporting the negative income tax recognize that the importance of work is not just the income derived from it, but also the anchor that it affords us both socially and psychologically. Work provides a sense of purpose as well as a way to earn social status. The places we work give us both the opportunity for socializing as well as the structure that many of us need to feel productive and happy.”

The Future of Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Joi Ito's Web
via Instapaper

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Universal basic income to unleash the world’s creativity?

There’s a lot of thought and discussion on the Universal Basic Income (UBI) form of social security in very different parts of the world, all with different social and capitalist backgrounds. UBI would guarantee all citizens or residents of a country to regularly receive an unconditional sum of money, either from a government or some other public institution, in addition … Continue reading "Universal basic income to unleash the world’s creativity?"

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Would a Work-Free World Be So Bad? (via The Atlantic)

Excellent article by Ilana E. Strauss in The Atlantic on the wrong assumptions we often have about people without work. Why should it be that way? It hasn’t always been like that… Work-free societies are more than just a thought experiment – they’ve existed throughout human history. Llana mentions a couple of examples in history where … Continue reading "Would a Work-Free World Be So Bad? (via The Atlantic)"

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Work and Happiness in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Ffifth-century Athens (also called Periclean Athens) is the Greek city-state of Athens in the time from 480 BC-404 BC. This was a period of Athenian political hegemony, economic growth and cultural flourishing formerly known as the Golden Age of Athens with the later part The Age of Pericles. Guided by statesman and orator Pericles, Athens produced … Continue reading "Work and Happiness in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"

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Let’s rewrite the business rules where people matter (via Tim O’Reilly)

One of the big reasons we’re moving back into a more socially polarised society – as seen recently in some countries of the EU, the UK and the US – is the continuous dilution of the middle class in many economies over the last 20-30 years, and tensions are rising around the globe. Aristotle wrote it down more than … Continue reading "Let’s rewrite the business rules where people matter (via Tim O’Reilly)"

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Will smarter machines cause mass unemployment?

The idea that manual work can be carried out by machines is already familiar; now ever-smarter machines can perform tasks done by information workers, too. What determines vulnerability to automation, experts say, is not so much whether the work concerned is manual or white-collar but whether or not it is routine. Machines can already perform routine … Continue reading "Will smarter machines cause mass unemployment?"

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Machines and human replacement (McKinsey report)

McKinsey analyzed the detailed work activities of more than 800 occupations from across the US economy to assess the percentage of time spent on activities with the technical potential for automation by adapting currently demonstrated technology. Read the detailed results on the technical potential for automation in various sectors. “While automation will eliminate very few occupations entirely in the next … Continue reading "Machines and human replacement (McKinsey report)"

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